Product Description
1. Operator must be completely comfortable with the operation of the mower before using the Jungle Jim’s Two Wheel Sulky.
2. Make sure all automatic shut-offs and/or safety controls are in working condition on the mower.
3. Make sure all parts are in working condition and the Jungle Jim’s Two Wheel Sulky is fully assembled and installed according to instructions provided.
4. Operator must stand only on the safety platform. Do not attempt to sit or kneel on any part of the product. Keep feet inside toe guard while the Jungle Jim’s Two Wheel Sulky is in motion.
5. Do not attempt to get on or off the Two Wheel Sulky while it is in motion.
6. Make sure the Two Wheel Sulky has a snug fit under the mower without interfering with any of the mower functions or controls when transporting in the hooked-up position.
7. Do not attempt to ride the Two Wheel Sulky when loading the mower onto the trailer or any other steep grade which might cause the platform to snag, bend, or break!
8. Operate the Two Wheel Sulky at a slow pace until comfortable with operation. It is recommended to continue operation at a pace comparable to a comfortable walk. Attempt reverse direction only after operator is completely comfortable with the operation of the Two Wheel Sulky, and at a slow pace.
9. Foot protection must be worn. It is recommended that the operator wear a durable work boot.
10. Do not operate around persons who are not aware of the situation.
11. Only one operator on the Two Wheel Sulky at a time.
12. Operator must be alert at all times for sudden stops to avoid losing balance or falling off equipment.
13. All operators must read and fully understand these safety guidelines before using Jungle Jim’s Two Wheel Sulky.
Diplayed in Red. Black Picture not available.
Other Details
The Jungle Wheels stand-on-sulky from Jungle Jim’s gives you a competitive advantage because you can mow faster, easier, and leave lawns looking better with no unwanted tracks. Jungle Jim’s realizes that sulkies without wheels can cut into the turf and cause imbalance, which produces an uneven cut. The revolutionary third pivot point and rearweighted design of the Jungle Wheels enables an even cut across the roughest terrain. The Hook Up feature comes standard and maximizes trailer space.Â
A unique advantage to the two-wheel Jungle Wheels design is that unlike one wheel units, the wheels follow the mower tracks, allowing the operator to stripe a yard without unwanted tracks.